You know how you always come back with a stack of stuff to read when you've attended an evaluation conference? It most cases the material just gets added to my ever growing "to read" pile. It is only once I start searching for something or decide to spring-clean, that I actually sit down and read some of the stuff. This morning I came across a copy of UNICEF / CEE/CIS and IPEN's New Trends in Evaluation.
What a delightfully simple straightforward publication - yet it packs so much relevant information between its two covers. I wish I had remembered about it last week when I lectured to students at UJ. Before I was able to get on with the lecture on Participatory M&E, I first had to explain how M&E is different and similar to Social Impact Assessments (In the sense of ex-ante Environmental Impact Assessment type assessment). I think it would have been a very handy introductory source to have.
1. Why Evaluate?
The evolution of the evaluation function
The status of the evaluation function worldwide
The importance of Evaluation Associations and Networks
THe oversight and M&E function
2. How to Evaluate?
Evaluation culture: a new approach to learning and change
Democracy and Evaluation
Democratic Approach to Evalution
3. Programme Evaluation Development in the CEE/CIS
But what is really useful is the Annexures:
Annex 1: Internet Bades Discussion Groups Relevant to Evaluation
Annex 2: Internet Websites Relevant to Evaluation
Annex 3: Evaluation Training and Reference Sources Available Online
Annex 4-1: UNEG Standards for Evaluation in the UN System
Annex 4-2: UNEG Norms for Evaluation in the UN System
Annex 5: What goes into a Temrs of Reference; UNICEF evaluation Technical Notes, Issue No.2
The good thing about this publication is that you can download it for free off the internet at
An introductory blurb and a presentation is also available from the IOCE website.