Wednesday, September 25, 2013

African Evaluation Journal

Africa finally has its own evaluation journal. The first issue has been compiled, and will be released soon. Congratulations to AFREA and SAMEA for your work on this!

The African Evaluation Journal will publish high quality peer-reviewed articles of merit on any subject related to evaluation, and provide targeted information of professional interest to members of AfrEA and its national associations and evaluators across the globe. This will encompass the following aims:
  • To build a high quality, useful body of evaluation knowledge for development.
  • To develop a culture of peer-reviewed publication in African evaluation.
  • To stimulate Africa-oriented knowledge networks and collaborative efforts.
  • To strengthen the African voice in evaluation.
Editor-in-Chief: Mark Abrahams, Division for Lifelong Learning,University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Associate Editor: Guy Blaise Nkamleu, Principal Evaluator, African Development Bank, Tunisia

Monday, September 16, 2013

SAMEA Conference 16 - 20 September 2013

I can't wait. I am looking forward to this week's SAMEA conference.

Good luck to Babette and team. I'm sure the blood sweat and tears you've invested in this conference will pay off.

I'm involved in a paper session on Evaluating ICT for Education programmes, and I'll also be sharing something about a little tool I call the "Impact Story Template".